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After decades of putting black words on white paper as a writer, Mirka finds  working with different kinds of fiber an exhilarating engagement with color, texture, line, shape and space, pattern and design. She was the former chair of the Tours & Workshops Committee of the Textile Arts Council, Fine Arts Museums, San Francisco, She has organized online and in-person workshops and exclusive guided tours of fiber art exhibits and studios in the Greater Bay, California


Local Blogs

After decades of putting black words on white paper as a writer, Mirka finds  working with different kinds of fiber an exhilarating engagement with color, texture, line, shape and space, pattern and design. She was the former chair of the Tours & Workshops Committee of the Textile Arts Council, Fine Arts Museums, San Francisco, She has organized online and in-person workshops and exclusive guided tours of fiber art exhibits and studios in the Greater Bay, California


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